Tuesday, April 24, 2012

project2 Interim submission

Interim Submission before final

1. Based on the strategy 'looking at the detail and the whole of the building',
i was looking at the whole building and its detail, each level's plans and found its dinstinctive geometric shape of each floors'.
So i used these three geometric shapes to play with Le corbusier building's detail and the whole.
And below images are how i experimented with different way of showing its geometric shapes.
( By dividing exterior and interior using its shape and using the thickness/colour of the lines by using grey and black colour)


2. Pilotis/Grid

By looking at the one of the points from lecorbusier's five points, i was looking detailed about its pilotis and grid. and tried to make analysed and abstract model from that.

3. My last model was based on the exterior and interior of the building.
By using the negative and positive space, i did the plaster casting based on the first idea which was geometric shape of detail and the whole.

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