Friday, March 30, 2012

Week5 Project2 Interim Submission

The strategic aspect of architecture that i chose was 'Closely look at the architectural relationship between the detail and the whole in the house and its garden and map this in terms of building's use'.

First, i started with the idea of Macro and micro by looking at the Villa Savoye's plan as a whole, which was macro and then looking its detail as a micro.

And from this, i found the geometric characteristic of this architecture and tried to use this as the main concept that i'll use for its strategic aspect.

based on the interim diagram of each floor's plan, i got its unique geometric shape.

And During studio, i experiment how am i going to use negative / positive concept by using geometric shape

String Diagram

Above image is the research of Josef albers's work, and from his homage to square paintings, i kind of experiment with the geometric shape in another way, below.

Josef Albers
This works explore the artists endless fascination with the discrepancy between how colors look when seen one at time and how they appear in different combinations.
According to him, he believed that we experience color varies based on our individual personalities and on factors such as hue, dimension,placement.

Another artists who used the color and geometric shape in his paintings, Mark Rothko.

Mark Rothko
Rectangular forms floating on a stained filed of color.
Heavily inspired by mythology and philosophy.
Rothko's art was profoundly imbued with emotional content and articulated through a range of styles that evolved from figurative to abstract.

Image from:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=2333&bih=1233&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=eZN1T4rdL8iQiAfToNyaDw

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